
This blog was mostly created for those who have just begun couponing. See links to all of my posts to the right of my blog. I recommend starting with the first post and moving down from there, because if you're really new to couponing, then some of the later posts might be confusing. Also, I live in Washington, so some things that may be true for me might be different where you are. Happy couponing!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Process of Filing Coupons

Filing is a tedious task for some, and I admit that at times it's the last thing I want to do, but I often find the process of filing relaxing--as long as I'm not in a hurry. Here's how I file my coupons:

I clear the kitchen table and grab the following things:

Box or container big enough to hold a pile of coupons (ex. an adult sized shoebox works great)
A place to put the scraps

Idealy I have at least 4 of the same insert to cut (and possibly misc. coupons to cut from magazines, etc.). The more inserts you cut at a time the faster it will go (not only because the time you spend cutting is less, but because all the same coupons are together and don't need to be filed separately), but the higher the risk that you'll cut through a barcode. Tape can often repair a coupon...

One thing that drives me nuts is that sometimes the same insert from different papers have slightly different coupons from insert to insert, so before you cut make sure that each insert page has the same coupons in the same spot on each page!!! Sometimes there will be 'loner' pages that don't match any other pages' layout.

I like to set the inserts in a row so I can tear each page and put the same page from each insert in a separate pile one on top of the other (sorry if that's confusing--I'll try to get a picture up soon). Once I have them all in a pile I begin cutting the coupons. (NOTE: Not all coupon inserts are lined up exactly the same--meaning sometimes at the bottom or top of a page there is a 1/4 inch of space, and no space on the same page from a different insert. So you need to do your best to line them up so that you don't cut through a barcode!!!)

There are many ways to sort coupons before you actually file them away. Some couponers like to take 8x11 sheets of printer paper, divide them in threes, and label each section of the folded paper according to the categories of their notebook. That way all the coupons can be filed into the section in which they belong and you don't have to flip back and forth between the sections as you're filing the coupons away. For me that takes up the whole table, and with two kids I sometimes need to rush off and deal with something, and it's just way to easy for a fan to blow the coupons away, or a little hand to mix them all up again... So, I just put all the coupons in a box (one for each notebook, since I have two). It takes a bit more time having to flip through all the sections to find where the coupon belongs, but I can put up the box quickly, if needed.

Then I file each coupon away in my notebooks under the category it belongs. Sometimes a coupon can be used on more than one product, so I do my best to put it in the category that I think I'll look for it in later.  There is sometimes confusion as to where a coupon goes. For example, does a coupon for Eggo Waffles go in the frozen section or the breakfast section? You decide!! :)

While I'm filing the coupons away I try to find all the coupons that are expired. I recycle the coupons.  Some people like to send expired coupons overseas (where expired coupons are accepted) for families in the navy and such.

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